PRODUCT SERIES MODEL NO. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION DATASHEET / MANUAL KRT-01 KR01 RTD Assembly with Screwed / Flanged Connection (Non M.I.) Data Sheet KRT-02 KR02 RTD Assembly with fixed / adjustable N-U-N Connection Data Sheet KRT-03 KR03 RTD Assembly with Sanitary Connection Data Sheet KRT-04 KR04 RTD Assembly with Weld Pad (Skin Temp.) Data Sheet KRT-05 KR05 Multi - Point RTD Assembly with Protecting Tube Data Sheet KRT-06 KR06 Multi - Point RTD Assembly with Flexible Extension Data Sheet KRT-07 KR07 Push Fit Type Bearing RTD Data Sheet KRT-08 KR08 RTD Insert with Terminal Block / SS Base Plate For Temperature Transmitter Mounting Data Sheet KRT-09 KR09 Bare Ceramic RTD Assembly Data Sheet KRT-10 KR10 Mineral Insulated (M.I.) RTD Insert with Bare Conductors Data Sheet KRT-11 KR11 RTD Insert with Crimp on Pot Seal / Threaded Pot Data Sheet KRT-12 KR12 RTD Insert with Plug and Jack Connector Data Sheet KTC-01 KT01 Thermocouple Assembly with fixed / adjustable N-U-N Connection Data Sheet KTC-02 KT02 Thermocouple Assembly with single / double Protecting Tube (Flanged / Screwed Connection) Data Sheet KTC-03 KT03 Thermocouple Assembly (L Type) Data Sheet KTC-04 KT04 Thermocouple Assembly with Weld Pad / Integral Collar (Skin Temp.) Data Sheet KTC-05 KT05 Thermocouple insert with Terminal Block / SS Base Plate for Temp. Transmitter Mounting Data Sheet KTC-06 KT06 Multi point Thermocouple Assembly with Protecting Tube Data Sheet KTC-07 KT07 Skin Thermocouple Assembly (Straight / 900 Angular / Wrap Around) Data Sheet KTC-08 KT08 Skin Thermocouple Assembly (Expansion loop and wrap around) Data Sheet KTC-09 KT09 Thermocouple insert with Crimp on Pot Seal / Threaded Pot Data Sheet KTC-10 KT10 Thermocouple insert with Plug and Jack Connector Data Sheet KTC-11 KT11 Thermocouple insert Spring Loaded Bayonet Fittings (Straight / 900 Anglar) Data Sheet KTC-12 KT12 Push Fit Type Bearing Thermocouple Data Sheet KTC-13 KT13 Beaded Thermocouple insert Data Sheet KTC-14 KT14 Mineral Insulated (M.I.) Thermocouple with Bare Connector Data Sheet KTC-15 KT15 Fork Type Thermocouple Assembly Data Sheet KTC-16 KT16 Leaf Type Thermocouple Assembly Data Sheet KTC-17 KT17 Exhaust Gas Thermocouple Data Sheet KTC-18 KT18 Thermocouple Data Sheet